SO you are having a baby!! Congratulations, how have you decided to feed your baby?
Breast? Bottle?
Both have their own appeal. Obviously in my field I believe in most instances breast is best!
I am sure your family and friends have weighed in on the matter. But to be sure at 2 am you will be the one doing the "work".
Yes I said work! You have the "equipment, now you need to develop the knowledge. Every baby is different, I know you have heard it before. Well it is actually true, I have met many moms that had problems with their last baby and "had to quit".
Many hospitals are now blessed to have in house Lactation services, some 24 hours a day. I encourage you to take advantage while you are there. Successful latch can sometimes make or break the experience. You may want to explore your feelings about getting help up front. Some ladies feel that having help is strange or invasive. We are not implying you can't do it alone, but we are telling you many times going it alone sets you up for development of issues that can be prevented.
What ever your decision, Breast or Bottle the biggest thing in the long run is: FEED THE BABY. Fed is best.
I am here to help if the need arises, Happy Breastfeeding!