Checking the internet you will find a long lists of supplies to buy when you are planning to breastfeed. Well lets pull that list apart. the first question I have is do you plan to exclusivley breastfeed? If so your list of necessities just decreased.
Nipple cream or lanolin- at some point you are likely to need something for nipples, your nipples will most likely initially be tender and this will be one of your best allies
Boppy/My Brest Friend/pillows- support for your arms and the baby makes the process much easier on both of you. You can buy a specialized pillow or you can use one you already have.
Nursing cover - can bee super useful if you need to feed in public but this one is personal preference.
Nursing bras- good support for you create less stress on you back muscles from milk heavy breast. Allows for a layer between breast and clothing to hold nursing pads in place.
Nursing pads -great to have on hand for the leaking. Just remember to keep them somewhat dry, wetness and the warm dark bra will make for nipple damage in the form of maceration
Disposable water bottle you will need to continue excellent hydration dehydrated moms loose ,milk supply
SNACKS- high energy high protein snacks, nuts, cheese, peanut butter. Appropriate snacks help keep up your caloric intake while you are doing the work of nursing and milk production.
Nice to have supplies
Haakaa - this little gem used correctly will help you catch the leaking from one breast while feeding at the other. There is more than one way to apply, See instructions.
Milk collectors these handy little gadgets sit inside a bra and just passively collect dripping milk. Some do not like the suction caused by the haakaa this is a viable alternative
Breast pump manual or battery / electric (with correectly sized flanges) - handy if you deliver early and have to pump. If you are pumping due to latch issues. and later if you need to return to work and still want to breastfeed. Note unless you are asked to put milk in the first few weeks try to latch as often as possible. Hand expression is useful to "empty" off extra milk for comfort. Nurse your baby frequently and let the nursing sessions set you milk supply. for the first 3-4 weeks.
Breast pump steam cleaning bags and quick clean wipes- Steam cleaning bags are really handy when you return to work, so are cleaning wipes. Neither replaces actually cleaning aand sterilizing your pump parts.
Breast milk storage bags. _ this method is a space saver for freezer stash.
Possible additional supplies- I would say use these on the advice of aa lactation consultant or physician