I see a lot of discussion on things to eat to help milk supply, and almost as many asking can I eat ________? There are very few things that are recommended you not eat while breastfeeding. The list is pretty short.
Foods you should avoid
Coffee and tea. Some of the caffeine in the coffee and tea you drink will end up in your breast milk and may make it harder for your baby to sleep. It may also decrease your milk supply. Or may cause loose stools.
Cabbage, broccoli, and other “gassy” foods. If they give you gas they may also give your abby galas also.
Fish. In general no more than 6 oz of fish twice a week, stick to low mercury fishes like Talapia and Trout
Chocolate. due the the caffeine related laxative effect.
Garlic. it has a strong flavor that may cross in breast milk and many babies do not like the flavor.
Peppermint, sage, and parsley. These herbs can have a negative impact on your milk supply
Other than that the only other discussion are around allergy producing foods. If infants are having difficulties with mucous in their poop. Difficulty keeping foods down, Excessive splitting up. It may be suggested you eliminate a specific suspected food, be judicious eliminate one food at aa time and be patient to see if there is a positive effect. The goal is infant remain hydrated and gaining weight.